Monday, November 20, 2017

8 years ago, this month...

36 hours in NYC, mommy/Augie adventure

into the city...

St. Patrick's cathedral, lighting candle for Nani, Friday night

Hewitt design museum

biking through Central Park, Saturday morning

crossing the finish line in style

ice-skating pure talent, Rockefeller Plaza

Grand Central Station

Powell's late-night (one of our favorite places on Earth...all six floors of it...

the MET

visiting the Temple of Dendor

inspirations strike

Broadway's up-and-coming

New York morning

indiscretions at the M&M store

street pretzel with mustard, Midtown

NY Pizza, off Broadway

Ethiopian in the Village

top of the Empire State Building, Sunday morning

Fr. McGowan stops to look at the full moon rising, San Ysidro campo santo

Thursday, November 16, 2017
