Monday, June 26, 2023



Freida keeping watch over the honeysuckle


It's Dinner Time, Momma


Happy Hour, Lisa's porch


Green chile cheeseburger reward, Los Ojos, Jemez Springs


Mother's Day, Jemez Mts.


Kathy and her potato soup


Indiana morning


By the White River


the old gang


Back home again in Indiana


Lisa' old barn


Cemetery Rounds with Kathy


Cousin Matt at the K of C


Aunt Dottie and gang


Augie's ammo


Jemez Mts.




Birthday Boy Slate-Boy


Shala and me, spring 2023


All dogs on duty


spring time pond


Mojito time of year



summer morning


Frankie stuck in the ditch


Pie Day in memory of Evelyn


Chaco Canyon


Baby Bambi